Download the Proposed 2020-21 Budget
Review the upcoming budget before our Church Forum this Sunday, August 30th.
Pray As You Go
Pray as You Go - Week 3
Pray as You Go - Week 2
Pray as You Go - Week 1
Spiritual Gifts Test
As we have been studying the gifts of the Spirit recently, we would like to provide you with a resource to help you identify the giftings God has given you. Please click below and answer the questions to receive a free gifts assessment. It is important to give honest and accurate answers about where you are in life right now, not to answer based on what you think you should say or where you hope to be. There are no wrong answers! The more transparent you are as you take the test, the more effective your assessment will be. God bless you as you pursue a closer walk with Jesus Christ!
Click here if you encounter errors with the form