Love God Love Others Serve The World
Welcome to Arlington Church in Mint Hill, NC
We are a vibrant, growing church that is actively involved in the life of our community and the city of Charlotte. Our pursuit of Christ includes inspired worship services, worship and Bible studies for Youth, Sunday School classes for Children, small group Bible studies for Adults, and a variety of ministries.
Want to learn more about Arlington? Then plan to attend our next Starting Point Class. Offered approximately once each quarter, this class will answer your questions and help you decide if Arlington should be your spiritual home.
We also celebrate Baptism once each quarter on the Sunday after Start-up class. This is one of the most exciting times in the life of our church.
Here at Arlington, we have found a way to create an environment where both Traditional and Contemporary worship styles peacefully coexist. By His Spirit, it just works.
Sunday Morning Services:
- 9:30 – Traditional Worship in the Chapel
- 10:45 – Contemporary Worship in the Family Life Center
- 9:30 & 10:30 – Sunday School for Preschoolers; Kidzone for Children; Connection Groups for Youth and Adults
Wednesday Evening Activities (6:15pm):
- Prayer Service in the Church Office
- Pre-K Children (3 yrs–K)
- Pioneer Club
- Student Ministry
Arlington Baptist Church affirms the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God and the basis of our beliefs. We accept the doctrinal statement of the "Baptist Faith and Message," as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ. We observe believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper as the ordinances of the Church.
Online Giving
Make your giving experience easy by setting up donations in our egiving system! Go ahead; give it a try.
Arlington Kids AMPLIFY

Our AMPLIFY, Sunday morning children's program(Infant-5th grade), begins with Sunday School at 9:30am. Tk to 5th grade, meet as a whole group in the AMPLIFY trailer until 9:45 and then transition to our age appropriate classes. Babies and children ages 4 and under meet in our preschool building. At 10:30am we transition into our AMPLIFY worship service for ages K to 5th grade in the trailer and Preschool classes in the Preschool hallway. Please visit the sign in kiosk in the preschool hallway or the FLC building anytime your family arrives to sign in your child to the appropriate classes.
Pioneer Clubs happen each week on Wednesdays in the the Chapel at 6:15pm - 7:45pm and includes a time for children to learn skills, study the Bible, memorize Scripture and play games.

We have age-appropriate small groups that meet and dive into God’s Word on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM in the Student Center. We also have our Mentoring groups that meet on Sunday nights in the FLC from 5:30pm -7pm and includes open gym, snacks, and discussing how the gospel intersects with our lives.
Our Wednesday Night Worship happens each week in the Student Center at 6:15PM and includes awesome worship through song, prayer, preaching, and discussion groups. When your student connects at Arlington, they'll find great friends and passionate leaders to help them live "on mission" for Jesus. It's our desire to partner with you as your student navigates jr. high and high school.
Arlington Christian Academy - Preschool

Arlington Christian Academy - Preschool serves families in a loving, Christian atmosphere and provides a nurturing and balanced environment that supports children in their spiritual, social, emotional, academic, and physical development.
ACAP offers full day classes (7:30am-3:30pm) and half day classes (9:00am-1:00pm) for children from 18 month to 5 years of age.
Click here for additional information and to access the registration form.

As a follower of Jesus, you are given the ability and the call to serve others. Whether you are working with kids, playing an instrument, fixing a broken porch, or cooking a meal, there is a place for you at Arlington.
To learn more about ministry teams you can be a part of, please contact the church office at or (704) 545-4589.
College Ministry

Our College Ministry is a group of students who are having fun as we live life together on the mission of God. We meet weekly near UNCC for an in-home Bible study on Tuesday nights from 6:30-9PM. A free meal is included and this is a great opportunity to invite lost friends from class or work to come and join us as we discover what it means to “Love God, Love Others, and Serve the World”. Contact us for more details.—is any of that still accurate?
Part of following Jesus is connecting with other believers. In a small group, you will find people who will encourage you, pray with you, and grow with you.
At Arlington, we have groups that meet both on the church campus and at homes, on Sunday morning and during the week. For questions about small groups, contact
Celebrate Recovery
Join us each week on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 in the church office to Celebrate Recovery from your hurts, hang-ups and habits. Everyone welcome!
For more information contact Jeff @ (678) 887-8971 or email the church at